Tuesday, December 30, 2008

quarter two post ten

today i read an article about a girl that was walking in the snow and  she died. the father of the girl is being charged because he made his children walk ten miles to their mother's house after his truck was caught in the snow. One of the children was found in long underwear because he was apparently delusional from hypothermia. the father did not call the childrens mother to tell them that the children walking.  i think that is rediculous that the father did not first call the mother of the children, and secondly did not le t the children stay in the car/ truck since it would have been warmer than the cold, thirdly who does this to their kids, let alone on christmas day. if you are a parent i think that you are supposed to take care of them and not let them try to walk  their mothers house when the weather ranged from "27 degrees above zero to minus 5." . read the article here!

quarter two post nine

today i read an article about privacy rights, to be specific privacy rights for naked people. I personally think that it was hilarious because the guy taped his girlfriend naked and thought it would be O.K., without acknowledgement . To me i think why would you do this, and wouldn't the thought of getting into trouble cross your mind. personally if i were her i would be pissed off, and we would never speak to each other again. He was sentenced to three years' probation and six months in jail, i think that is to much time for the crime, since they were in a relationship, but when i think about it maybe with the changing of times and technology that punishments will change. i also think that when you are determining a crime that you should put yourself in the shoes of the other person and try to see it the way they see it.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

quarter two post eight

today i read an article on cnn.com it was about the sun and depression. according to the article some people have seasonal depression, or depression that changes depending on the season (mainly winter). there is a specific gene for this type of depression. there is a way to combat this type of depression, it is light therapy. light therapy involves the person undergoing exposure to light that are closely related to the sun. the "disease' is officially know as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). i think that it is intersesting that people can be affected by not getting enough sun, when people are talking about getting too much sun and how it can cause skin cancer. i also think that is cool that the sun has such a big affect on our lives, in more ways that one, we need the sun to survive, so i think the sun should get a little more respect.

link; http://www.blogger.com/rearrange?blogID=8053012894346183000