Sunday, September 21, 2008

Loyd Vs Codi

I think that Loyd and Codi are very different. i think they are very different, firstly because Loyd wants to settle down, and Codi wants to be free, and attached to nothing. An example of Loyd wanting to settle down is when he says, "i want more than i'm getting. More than 182" this shows that Loyd really wants to settle down, and not mess around like he did in high school. An example of Codi  showing that she wants to be free is how she always talks about leaving, and not being rooted in one place. Another way in which they are different, is by the way that they talk to each other. Loyd always answers all the questions he is asked in a serious manner, while Codi is very mocking in the way that she asks her questions, and even answers his. This is shown when Codi says " I could have told Loyd i lived on Neptune, and he'd say,"uh-huh? was it cold?""pg 220. One last way in which Codi and Loyd are different is by the way they think of each other, neither of them see eacher as equals , but as people that are almost on different planets. this is shown several times for Loyd, when he refers to himself as a native american railroad worker dating a doctor, and when in the beggining of the novel for Codi when she thinks of Loyd as a womanizer. As you can see, Loyd and Codi are very different because Loyd want to settle down, and Codi want to be free, the way they talk to each other, and by the way that they see each other.


Deadshot said...

nice comparison between them, like the choice of quotes

Sasha said...

your differnces with Loyd and Codi are very ture and apparent. you picked good quotes.

KristinB said...

This is a great analysis William. You moved beyond action and talked about how the character's language, thoughts, etc., speaks of their feelings for each other, which often reveals more about what they think than their actions. I liked how you even talked about perceptions, how Cody thought of Loyd as this person he wasn' she couldn't even see him when she was with him. Maybe because she couldn't see herself yet? Great insight.