today i read an article online, from
Time magazine. the article was about young girls losing weight by reading. the article said that the girls who read a book with an overweight protagonist (or any book) lost weight, while other girls who didnt read, didn't lose weght, but gained it. I think that the article was total bs because the girls lost weight by reading, and not getting active. in my opinion you have to move to lose weight, and not just sit around, where did the extra pounds go, under the bed?So what i have leared from this article is, if you want to lose weight go outside, and dont read.
You make a great point William, and I wonder about the actual research in this article. There's a difference between direct evidence and correlational evidence. Maybe the girl reading the book DID lose weight, but was it because she read the book? I doubt it. She had to have done something else to--maybe the book inspired her to exercise, and the girls who didn't read the book weren't inspired to exercise. So far I haven't heard any scientific study that shows you can lose weight by reading! And I wonder, what does this do to the self-esteem of the girls, if they read a book about a character and all it does is make them want to lose weight? Very interesting.
I totally agree w/ u...
sounds like B.S.
I find your sources unreliable William and strongly suggest that you resist their tempting titles.
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